It's been about a month or so since I have blogged. I wanted to blog at least once a week, but life has gotten in the way. Since my last post, I have moved to a different city, started a new job as a 6th grade teacher, made a couple of new friends, gone through a an infection of pink eye (P had the pink eye, but I went through it with him!) and so far have evaded whatever the sickness is that has been going around the school. *knock on wood!* I haven't unpacked my sewing room yet so I haven't made anything lately, but I did buy a cute new lamp for above my cutting table so I can actually see what I'm making when I do get around to making something. My mom (who now has
her own blog!) sent me some adorable black and white fabrics she found while cleaning out her sewing room so I'm kind of inspired - but so tired! I want to make a string quilt for our bed in black and white since both P and I decided we wanted to do the bedroom in black and white to kind of go with some black and white posters of the Eiffel Tower I have. I have had these posters for a while and have always put one above the bed since it's one of my dreams to see the Eiffel Tower one day. :)
Anyway, the reason I came here to blog is to let you know about a giveaway Linda over at
Stray Stitches is having. She is celebrating
400+ followers and is giving away some lovely fabrics. Since I have little to no stash, I am kind of apprehensive about advertising this giveaway because she already has over 150 entries, but the prize is too pretty not to share. So pop on over, say hi and enter her giveaway! As for me, I am going to go cuddle on the couch with a kitty and watch some yummy cakes being made on TLC. Mmm...cake! Happy Saturday everyone! :)
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