I wanted to keep this blog going by posting at least once a week. That has not been happening.
I am behind on ALL birthday gifts this year. I have them all, just never doled them out.
I haven't even sent out our holiday cards - and it's almost the end of FEBRUARY! I rushed to get them shipped so I could send them out in time. They are currently sitting on my mantel and mocking me as we type.
I joined Block Swap Adventures and just realized that the block needs to be in the mail by the 25th, and it's the 17th....and I have no idea what to make!
I haven't even made anything since the Christmas gifts. My sewing room isn't even unpacked!
I lost two of my class' postcards for like two weeks until I opened my teacher's edition that I have been using ALL week and there they were! The kids keep asking if they got to their destinations...*sigh*
I have been meaning to do a token turn in with my class and haven't in three weeks...
Lesson plans are due next week too...I have no idea what I'm doing regarding lesson plans...
I suck these days...